Youth Mentorship

It is all about the transfer of tangible and intangible knowledge, expertise, learning and skills between mentor and mentee.

Effective knowledge transfer within an organization requires:

  • a systematic approach,
  • qualified mentors who know how to get new, young employees involved and
  • dedicated and interested mentee.

Through the Youth Mentorship programme, we rewarded knowledge and experience that comes with age of experience and cannot be acquired within the education process.

Youth Mentorship programme promoted development of mentoring competences. Mentors participated in the pedagogical - andragogic training(and thus made steps towards systematic mentorship.

Important Achievements for the period 2013-2015:

  • more than 460 mentees included (up to 30 years of age and newly employed, the first job for most of them),
  • 371 trained mentors,
  • 27 three-day workshops for mentors implemented,
  • intergenerational knowledge transfer,
  • 385 employers participated and
  • more than EUR 3.100.000 invested.

European Social fund and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities supported the programme.

+386 (0)1 434 10 81


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