Razpisi - ENG / 20 May 2004

8. call for applications

Grants for  scholarships for doctorate studies of foreign citizens in Slovenia in academic year 2004/2005

Grants for tuition and accomodation costs of foreign citizens who will start their doctorate studies at the Slovene higher education institutions in the academic year 2004/2005.

The aplication deadline expired on 30. October 2004.

Documentation of the 8. call for applications:
Call for applications (in English) - the 8. call for applications was published in the Official Gazette on 21 May 2004 with the application deadline on 30 October 2004.
The Regulations of General Conditions of Public Institution of Ad futura - the rules and regulations regarding the scholarship distribution process, published in the Official Gazette no. 117/2004 (also available in Slovene language).
Application documentation: Application form, Subject Areas and Key technology areas in Slovenia.

Documents for scholarship recipients under the 8. call for applications:
Contract - a sample contract between scholarship recipients and Ad futura
The form for prolonging the scholarship into the next academic year - filled out and signed form should be sent to Ad futura with proof of enrolment into the next academic year.
Power of Attorney - a form for giving the power of attorney to a person living in Slovenia.


Dunajska 20, 1000 Ljubljana gp@sklad-kadri.si

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