- Navigacija
- Spodbujanje vključevanja zaposlenih, katerih zaposlitev je ogrožena – SPIN 2.0
- Podpora podjetjem za podaljševanje delovne aktivnosti - ASI+
- Programi 2021–2027
- O razvoju kadrov
Finished projects 2014-2020
Comprehensive Support for Actively Ageing Workforce
- Competence Centers for Human Resources Development
Practical training with work
Encouraging persons facing the loss of employment into labour market measures
Raising the level of education
- Students Innovative Projects for the Benefit of Society
- Creative path to knowledge
- Non-formal education and training
- Kompetenčni center za design management (KCDM 2.0)
- Prometej
- Štipendije za deficitarne poklice - ESS
Comprehensive Support for Actively Ageing Workforce
- Programmes 2007-2013
Encouraging persons facing the loss of employment into labour market measures
Project Supporting individual employees who will be made redundant by enterprises owing to termination of the employment contract upon reorganization, liquidation of enterprises, staff-reduction measures etc. by providing:
- Counselling, motivation, face-to face meetings to foster career development;
- Trainings, improvement of professional skills and retraining (courses range from basic skills to computer applications – all informal education programs and relevant in regional job markets);
- Help finding work for another company.
Project that is network based and includes representatives of social partners (Labor Union, Chamber of Commerce, Career counselors).
Programme is co-financed by the Ministrsty of Labour, Family, Aocial affairs and Equal opportunities and the European Union under the European Social Fund.