Razpisi - ENG / 14 Nov 2004

10. call for applications

Grants for foreign researchers during their scientific cooperation in Slovenia

Grants for foreign researchers during their scientific cooperation in Slovenia can be awarded to:

  • foreign citizens,

  • Slovene citizens, who are researching abroad for minimum of 3 years on development-research projects,
  • for three (3) to twelve (12) moths of scientific research in Slovenia.

    The application deadline expired on 31. October 2005.

    Documentation for the 10. call for applications:
    Call for applications (in English) - the 10. Call for applications was published in the Official Gazette no. 122/2004 on 12. November 2004.
    The Regulations of General Conditions of Public Institution of Ad futura - the rules and regulations regarding the scholarship distribution process, published in the Official Gazette no. 99/2004 (in Slovene language only).
    Application form - application form for the 10. call for applications.


    Dunajska 20, 1000 Ljubljana gp@sklad-kadri.si

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