Študenti / Razpisi - ENG / 20 Mar 2018

Scholarships for nationals of Western Balkans to post-graduate study in the field of natural sciences, technology and medicine at higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia in the year 2018 (245. Public Call)

Who can apply? Nationals of Western Balkans for post-graduate (master or doctoral) studies in fields of natural science, technology or medicine at higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia.

Value of the Call: The total value of the Call for Applications is EUR 600,000.

Deadline: The deadline for submission of the application is set as closed deadline. The deadline for submission of the applications is Friday, 5. 10. 2018 (closing date).

The scholarship is granted for
- living costs; in the total amount of EUR 8,400 per year; and/or
- tuition fee; the maximum granted amount of yearly scholarship for tuition fee for an individual year of study shall amount to 100% of tuition fee, but not more than EUR 3,000.00 for individual study year.

Submission of applications:

The application (completed and signed application form, including the required documentation) must be submitted to the Fund to the adress:

Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia

Dunajska 20, 1000 Ljubljana

(With a note on the envelope: Call for Applications No. 245).

Scholarship ratio: Scholarship holder has to enrol regularly in higher year of studies and finish the studies in the deadline set in scholarship contract.

Power of attorney: An applicant who lives abroad during the administrative scholarship selection procedure must have a trustee with residence in Slovenia to represent him. We recommend the applicants to have a trustee even after they start to reside in Slovenia.


Dunajska 20, 1000 Ljubljana gp@sklad-kadri.si

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